~~ I like to thank you all so much for entering my 1st Blog Giveaway....I enjoyed all the wonderful comments you all left for me on my blog..... Out of 51 comments that were left 3 of them were duplicates....so that left 48 names to put into my little "back in tyme primitives" handmade pot to draw the name from !!!! I had my daughter Nicole pick the winning name at 10:00 Pm and that was:............ Marchelle - "Sweet Paper Treats" Congrats Marchelle!!! -
~~ Marchelle I sent you a seprate email to claim your prize...let me know where to mail your prim goody package too and Congrats on winning...hope you enjoy!!!
Please respond within 5 days!!! - If no response by then I will draw another name...
I will be having another giveaway for Fall!!! be sure to come back and visit to see what that will be.....
Prim Hugs